Wednesday, March 30, 2011

  I like the rain. It's free water, it's perfect coffee drinking  & book reading weather & it's romantic. Even with all the things I love about the rain, and there is A LOT of it here in the Pacific Northwest, I find myself  longing to see the sun the past few days. It has rained non-stop and it feels a bit like living underwater. I need to gear up and get out and walk in it. Let myself get wet and muddy and chilled, then come back in to warm up and watch the rain fall and the songbirds bathe in the puddles.
 Sunnier, warmer days will soon be here & it will be a green season thanks to all of this rain. So, let it fall, let it pour, let it drench and I will work on embracing it.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

 I made this little cutie last night & just listed it  in The Paper Snail. I added the "Paris" banner & am thinking about a crown for the sparrow. Thanks to The Graphics Fairy for the free antique images.
 Craft Cult has been an invaluable resource for me as an Etsy Seller & Crafter. I can see info about my shops & their listings at a glance. This is a very user friendly site & gets the "Snail Of Approval"

  Thanks to a good friend, I now have a pile of old comic books to get crafty with. I have been making Scrabble Tile Pendants for a while now & knew I could use the comic books pages to decorate the Scrabble Tiles. I went with classic comic book onamonapias (sounds.....zap!) for the fronts & magnets on the backs. I am thinking of offering them in a small, reusable tin. The blank top of the tin was calling out to for a comic book image as well. I adhered the paper to the top of the tin using good old Mod Podge & was real pleased with the whole thing. 

Simply genius..this site allows you to automatically reset your expired & just sold Etsy listings. I gotta get on this Uncle Gravy train!

Spring time is here and with the new Season I thought it the perfect time to start blogging about all my crafty ways. I am busy filling orders for both my Etsy shops: and and still finding time to try out some new crafts. Spring has always seemed like a time for renewal and birth. So here's to the birth of new ideas and a renewed passion for my art.Oh & by the way I snapped this pic on a walk through our Pacific Northwest village neighborhood.