Monday, October 21, 2013

 On a recent trip to a local thrift shop, I picked up a plaster cast kit. It came with butterfly molds, paints & science facts on the life cycle of butterflies. I am homeschooling my Son and this kit was perfect for a rainy day. As we were making the butterflies, I realized we still had a lot of left over plaster mixed up. Inspiration struck and I grabbed some soap molds I have had for years. I had fun painting the "heart in hand" piece after it dried. I am thinking Holiday gifts with the endless possibility of soap and candy molds. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Last night I stayed up late & made wee Halloween costumes for fake crows. I kept imagining them walking the runway & getting 

critiqued by Tim Gunn...ha! I used an old German book (that was already damaged) orange felt .The crows are from the dollar tree and 

are foam covered with velveteen and feathers. It was quite easy to keep the pieces in pklace with straight pins. The were so much fun 

to make!  

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